Acts 435

Lighthouse Church Anglesey has partnered with Acts 435 to enable them to support people in financial need. Lighthouse Church Anglesey were able to help by providing some DIY skills and accessing funds for vital items a family that had to move under emergency circumstances recently here is what Marie a mum of 2 had to say; 

Andy was fantastic! He let us borrow one of his tools so we could get the kids beds up fast...

Managed to get the kids a school jumper and a tie for Rebecca today. Just need to try and get some shirts and trousers somehow now ready for next week.

It’s been such a long day again today. But I had a quiet moment to myself and prayed which was a real comfort and gave thanks for having such a beautiful home now and gave thanks for you, Andy and everyone within lighthouse church.
— Acts 435 Recipient

Get in Touch

If you could do with someone to give you a helping hand, to ease the pressures of debts, purchasing school uniform, white goods such as fridges and cookers. Or maybe you know of someone who would benefit from some financial support. Then please get in touch with Kirsty by filling in this form.