About us

Lighthouse Church Anglesey is a community committed to
Following Jesus, Building Community and Loving Anglesey

This is our Mission Statement - the three strands that tie together all we do


Our Mission Statement


Following Jesus

We are a community that passionately pursues Jesus in our everyday lives. To do this we actively practice the ways of Jesus, kind of like an apprenticeship to Him.


Building Community

We are a community that is dedicated to journeying together. Sharing meals, prioritising small groups and encouraging each other in the good and tough times.


Loving Anglesey

We are a community that loves our island deeply, wanting to see the best for it and its people. Engaging in our community and seeing change for good is core to what we do.


Alongside our mission statement we have values that represent how we do things and engage with each other and those around us:


We want to always pursue pioneering new and creative ways of gathering as a community, sharing the message of hope in Jesus to others and leading the way for kingdom breakthrough on Anglesey and beyond. To do this we want to invest in people to learn how to see opportunities and have the confidence to be released to lead in their sphere of influence. Pioneering has been part of our DNA since we started and it will remain as we grow in number and faith.


Society is as polarised as it has ever been in modern history. As followers of Jesus we bring a counter-cultural commitment to honour each other and develop strong lasting relationships. Developing a culture of honour spans our entire lives, honouring our families, friends, neighbours and colleagues. This is tough… we all have a way to go… but as we continue to journey and keep turning to forgiveness and grace - we will change the culture, even if it is just our little bit, to a kingdom


We're committed to following Jesus and building community and one of the main ways we do this is by discipleship. Discipleship (similar to an apprenticeship to Jesus) means taking responsibility for our own spiritual growth in all aspects of our life (family life, work, studies etc...). Here at Lighthouse Church we don't want to stay the same, we want to grow and thrive in all areas of our life, so we set a high bar of accountability and commitment to helping each other grow.

Our Key Beliefs

  • We believe God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and in all-places. God is Love – the source of all love of the purest kind, and he looks to demonstrate his love in all situations.

  • We believe the Bible is inspired by God and tells the story of his love for and relationship with humanity. God calls us to immerse ourselves in his story, to meditate on and interpret it, and ultimately to live out that story today.

  • We believe there is only one God who is the creator and sustainer of the whole universe and that creation is the expression of his love, creativity and power. God then gave all humans responsibility to look after and care for his creation.

  • We believe the one God exists in relationship as three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Relationships matter because as ‘three in one’ God himself exists in perfect relationship.

  • We believe every person is unique, special to God and made in His image; full of potential and possibility. When God made humanity, he declared his delight in what he had made.

  • We believe every human messes things up when we live our way, not God's way. This mess [sin] brings about pain, suffering and death on both personal and global levels. All relationships suffer because of this; with God, each other and the earth.

  • We believe, to clear up humanity’s mess, God the Son miraculously became human in Jesus, born of Mary, and showed us what God is truly like and how to live. Through his life, sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus defeated the power of evil, sin and death, offering us all forgiveness and therefore the chance to have a right relationship with God, each other and God’s Creation.

  • We believe God sends his Spirit on us as followers of Jesus. His Spirit lives within us, makes us know we are his children, gives us spiritual gifts, shows us when we go wrong and makes being like Jesus possible.

  • We believe the Church is the people of God drawn from many different traditions and denominations that God has commissioned to show his love to those in need, make disciples of Jesus, baptise those who believe and share communion.

  • We believe there is more to come when Jesus returns as Judge and King of this world. When he comes again he will bring an end to all injustice, pain, suffering and death and renew the earth and heavens.